Bee-Friendly Almond Butter
Did you know that bees play a crucial role in producing Forty Thieves Almond Butter? Known as pollinators, bees are responsible for helping many flowering plants reproduce, including almond trees. Without them, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy our delicious Almond Butter, making the Forty Thieves team extra passionate about bee health.
Working with Ethical Almond Growers
We’ve chosen to work with almond growers that want to protect and nourish honey bees. Our Almond Butter is made with the best quality almonds from Vann Family Orchards, grown in sunny California. Vann Family Orchards are certified bee-friendly, providing a safe haven for our precious pollinators. Some of the requirements include providing bees with clean water, permanent habitats and a variety of flowering plants throughout the year.
For more info, click here.